We're glad you're here. Whether your loved one is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or you’re all still figuring it out, you are not alone. We're in this together.  We are building a year-round network of support, trust, love and acceptance for youth and families.

Contact LGBTQ Connection at 707-251-9432 or send us a message for more information about:

  • one on one meetings with an LGBTQ Connection staff person for advice, resources, information

  • counseling appointments for youth, parents, caregivers (or anyone who would like one)

  • informational materials about gender and sexual identity (LGBTQ)

  • booklets and research on how best to love and support our children even when we might not be fully comfortable

  • workshops for parents, caregivers, family members or the community providers/professionals who serve families and youth about family acceptance and rejection

  • referrals to other incredible, family-serving LGBTQ services

Also: guided by research from San Francisco State University's Family Acceptance Project, led by Caitlyn Ryan, PhD, ACSW, we know that a family's response to their child's LGBTQ identity has health implications for the rest of their life. To help families support the health and well being of their child, we produced a family acceptance guide, downloadable here:

Click here to download our family acceptance handout in English.