Can you give us a hand? Donate to us for Give OUT Day, Tuesday Aug 2, 2016

Can you give us a hand? Give OUT Day, a national day of giving to LGBTQ causes, is this Tuesday, August 2 and our organization can win extra funding because of your donation!

We have come so close to winning in past years. It doesn't matter how much you give, it matters that you give. Every contribution made to us directly supports our work with vulnerable LGBTQ youth and seniors and movement building with emerging leaders in Sonoma and Napa Counties!

Please go now and commit your support. (For us to be eligible for Give OUT Day prizes, make sure and leave the scheduled donation date to August 2, 2016.)

If you support the work LGBTQ Connection does to increase LGBTQ visibility, strengthen youth, seniors and connect our entire community, please make a contribution to us right now via our special Give OUT Day link:

3 years ago for Give OUT day, we had 3 donors. Last year, we had 150 donors and brought in almost $3000 to continue our work of making our community more vibrant, diverse and inclusive. Let's continue this momentum!

Lauren McNerneyEnglish